Circulart (2017)
Circulart is a music festival that happens annually in Colombia. I was hired by Interteia Comunicações, a marketing company in São Paulo-Brazil, to create a booklet for BME, the Brazilian company that sent the performers to the festival. The booklet introduces the artists and managing companies attending the event, as well as other artists represented by these companies. Also required were posters advertising the artists' showcases in the event.

BME already had its own branding (the use of a specific typeface, the colors green and yellow and soundwave elements, etc.), I followed branding guideline to create the booklet. For the concert posters I used a trumpet tree flowers pattern in a yellow background, as the golden trumpet tree's flower is considered the national flower of Brazil. I applied overlapping images of the artists replicating a silk-screening style. For the text I used Franklin Gothic, as it is a simple sans serif font, easily readable, so I could play with kerning, tracking and leading without losing legibility.